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Writer's pictureDevaki Purohit


            College canteens can be a place of sanctity for the hungry, the sleep-deprived or for the ones who simply need a place to finish completing their assignments on submission day! Either way, it automatically becomes the heart of the college and as a result, it attracts a whole array of students, all unique in their own common ways… So here are the different types of people in the canteen you are bound to come across, sometime or the other-

  1. 1) We’re the Spillers:

With these people, more comes out than what goes in. The table looks like a buffet serving. Honestly? The next person who comes and sits at that table after you does not require a bit by bit detail of how you had ‘bhendi and chapatti’ today. It is so unappetizing.

  1. 2) The kid with the ‘dabba’:

We all know someone who carries fresh food from home and opens two hundred and thirty-seven compartments of that tiffin box and puts the canteen out of business, so comfortable with the dabba that lasted since middle school with the half torn picture of ‘Tom and Jerry’ on it. Is that person sitting in a canteen, in a hotel, at home? We shall never know.


  1. 3) Center-stage PDA Couple:

People, people, you are not invisible! We can all see you. We can all see your all-consuming love being so passionately displayed in that one far-off corner table. The others are trying to romance their food, so get a room…or at least a classroom.


  1. 4) The Traveller:

Do you know why it is advised to have a lot of friends in college? It is so you can have a variety of food. This one person cannot sit still in the canteen. This one person is always travelling from one table to another in search for bites of food, intention disguised under the dialogue- ‘uss friend se milke aata hu’. You know exactly who I’m talking about. And if you don’t, you’re probably the traveller.


  1. 5) Income-earner of the Canteen:

The food junky, the fast-food lover, the dabba hater, the money spender- the hunk that is the major revenue source for the canteen; the one who cannot, will not go a day without giving the canteen his intimate darshan. His life is not complete without buying something Every. Single. Day.


  1. 6) The Lazed Lot:

These people are the epitome of joblessness. They literally bunk every lecture and spend the entire day occupying one table. You visit the canteen during breaktime- there they are sitting. You visit the canteen after college- there they are sitting, still. Have the will to live people.

  1. 7) The Party Poppers:

Someone random and unknown is celebrating their birthday in the canteen? Well by all means then, let us join in the celebration by singing out really loudly. It becomes one big chorus group. Maybe we might get some cake too? I mean, we did just meet and sing for you like two minutes ago.


  1. 8) The Seat Warmers:

The lot that gets your fist to clench in anger. The insensitive kind. The unbothered lot. Can y’all not see that the canteen is over packed with students looking for a place to sit and eat their food? Do y’all not realize that y’all are done eating your food? Why don’t y’all be a doll and free your seats for someone who really needs them?

  1. 9) But First, let me take a Selfie:

No, no…the crowd and the noise is not an issue to them. No matter how much you try to initiate the conversation and pull the group together, there will always be that one person who finds the perfect lighting spot and goes on their modeling spree with pouts and hair-flips and squeals. Umm…HELLO? Looking for an actual humanly exchange of words here.

  1. 10) The Social-Media Parasite:

Do I even need to…? *exasperated face*

Girl, will you stop clicking pictures of that cupcake before I shove it up your nose? Let me eat my food in peace. You’re really not having fun with every activity posted on social sites with captions like ‘Day of Fun with Bae’, ‘Bestie and I be having so much fun’. Girl, don’t lie!


  1. 11) The Fakers v/s the Real Ones:

There will always be a group that will try to draw attention through loud fake laughs and such. But there will also always be a group of genuine friends who are blissfully sharing that magical cup of ice-tea.


            Well, no matter what, the college canteen will always be one of those places you visit and revisit in your memories, just to laugh a little again… If you could relate to any of these types of people, do give this article a like, and leave a comment if you’ve come across any more types! 😛

Catch y’all next week!

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