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Writer's pictureDevaki Purohit


‘Teacher’s Pet’ is a label no student wants, but we all secretly love having that one teacher who gives us that little extra bit of attention! While each of us have had different experiences when it comes to teachers, we’ve all had these various types of teachers one time or another! Continuing the teacher’s day celebration, here is the list-

  1. The Hater:

We don’t know what we have done in which life to deserve the wrath of this teacher who finds a reason to yell at us, even when it isn’t our fault. We kind of just get accustomed to it eventually. They hate us. We deal with it.


  1. The Sub:

It’s an early birthday present when a substitute teacher replaces a regular one for a day or two. Why? Because then the kingdom is in the students’ capable hands! The new quirks, the new accents, the newly acquired freeness, it’s all a lot of fun. We love the sub!


  1. The Peepers:

These teachers have a habit of walking through the rows, peeping and staring into what we are writing or doing and it ensures that we feel really dumb. Especially during exams. You put your arms over the paper, you pretend to be deep in thought, you feel like everything you have written is absolute rubbish…and so on. You know what I mean.

  1. The Non-Teacher, Teacher:

These beautiful people come in the form of parents, family members, friends, etc. They are our unofficial guides, our go-to people. They always have our back, no matter what.


  1. The Sweetie-Pies:

These teachers are the bright shining light in every student’s life. They’re always nice and have excellent advice whenever you need them. Plus, if you are in their good books, they give you great marks for all your deserving efforts!


  1. Varied Kinds:

The screamer who is ready to shout at the drop of a hat, the one who cracks all those jokes only the front-benchers laugh on, the one who always goes off-topic, the one who argues with the naughty student in every lecture, the strict one, the casual one…and the list can go on forever.


  1. The Extra Work:

When you complete one task very properly, they will definitely pile all the other work on your shoulders alone. We could choose to see this as a burden or as a privilege.

  1. The Typical Phrasers:

These are the ones who will never stop using the age-old hilarious phrases like- ‘Is this a classroom or a fish market?’ ‘Yes yes I’m talking to you, why are you looking back?’ and ‘This is the worst batch ever!’

You will never forget them and laugh long after you have passed out!


I feel that the list will never stop changing and growing! So for now, I leave it at this!

Thank-you all the wonderful teachers who have gotten us this far in life. We will forever be in debt!

Dear readers, catch you all next week! 🙂  

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