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Writer's pictureDevaki Purohit


Updated: Mar 17, 2020

Are you one of those people who leave all the important things related to packing for the very last minute, freak out, mess up and leave the house tormented by the thought of having forgotten something? Yeah, join the club…

Since I am writing a post on this, it must be pretty obvious that I like living on the edge when it comes to packing and generally leave everything for the night before. However, I am a changed woman with new habits that I’m trying very hard to inculcate. So, I’ve made this checklist of things that I feel are important to be checked off way before you actually start packing your bag. They may seem mundane, but doing them will save you a lot of sweat and tears.

Before we jump right into the list, this is the first post of my travel week #travelweekI’m going to be posting an article every day, all related to travelling. As a not-so-experienced traveler, hope these simple articles come handy in some way or the other.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the pre-packing checklist:

1. Wash and Iron your clothes people:

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  • This may seem so obvious that you are going to feel tempted to skip this post. BUT, how many of us really do this a few days in advance? The tip is to plan out your outfits for the trip, get them all washed and cleaned and keep them away till the time for packing arrives. Don’t be tempted to wear them before packing.

  • I don’t say this lightly. I had once washed my delicates the night before I left for a trip and forgot to pack them up in the morning. Long story short, as we arrived at our destination, others went to sightsee, I went to look for a lingerie store. Yeah…

2. All about Electronics:


  • Plan in advance if you need to buy spare batteries for something, if you need an adapter if you are travelling abroad or if you simply require extra chargers.

  • You might want to consider an extension cord just in case your bed is far away from the electric plug and you plan to stay there a solid amount of days.

  • Lastly, if you are going to a place where you know you’re going to spend a lot of time in water, you might want to consider getting a water-proof phone case. It’s all about planning ahead y’all.

  • Most importantly, clear up your phone storage. It’s a huge dampener if you miss the perfect shot just because you didn’t have the place for it in your phone!

3. The Cosmetics Pouch:

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  • Whip out that handy-dandy cosmetics pouch about a week prior to your trip. Then, whenever you use a product that you know you require on a daily basis, directly keep it in your pouch instead of putting it back in your cupboard. This way, by the time you have to pack your bag, you don’t have to worry if you’re missing something out because everything you require is already packed away in that little pouch.

  • You can also have a separate travel toothbrush packed in so that you can brush your teeth peacefully on the day of your travel, knowing you aren’t forgetting it.

4. Get the Stink Off:

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  • There is nothing more embarrassing than sniffing around a room, wondering where that rotten smell is coming from, only to realise its emanating from your own two feet. A week before you leave, make sure to wash your sports shoes, clean the mud off your heals and polish any other footwear you plan to take along with it. This will give you adequate time to dry them well and get them repaired if needed

5. Documentation

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  • Make extra copies of any important documents that you feel are going to be needed in your absence regarding work, college, school or anything else that comes to your mind. Prepare separate folders with proper labels and hand them over to a friend or a colleague who you know will be your proxy in your absence.

  • You want your trip to be burden-free. If you don’t have any ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ hanging over your head due to your absence, you’ll be able to relax so much better. Go grab someone you can trust.

6. Get some Grooming:

  • Why carry razors with you on the trip just because there wasn’t any time for a visit to the parlor last minute? Make an appointment a few days prior to leaving and get that ticked off your list.

  • Everyone wants to look their best when they are out of town, so why not put some actual time into grooming and pampering yourself?

7. Medicines:

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  • Imagine all the things you don’t want to happen to you during your vacation and the things you don’t want to pack for those situations. Imagined? Now, pack all those things anyway. Go shopping for all the medical things much before you pack your bag. You don’t want the

  • stress of not finding them on time looming on your head. Its best to pack it up before.

8. Take Care of your Best Buds:

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  • Your pets! They come first on the priority list. Find someone to take care of them and book them a week before. Another option is to ask a friend to look after them while you’re gone, but don’t throw the responsibility on them at the last hour. Check their availability a few days in advance as well.

  • Next, buy bulk supplies of food and litter beforehand so neither you, your caretaker nor your pet has to suffer later!

9. Fill Up Your Tank-

  • It’s best to not leave this for when you finally leave your house. There could be a huge time-consuming line, the pumps could be closed or there could be one of the thousand other damming possibilities. Feed that car with fuel in advance.

10. Home Sweet Home-

  • Take the time to tidy up your room and your house before you leave. It’s bound to get messed up in the process of getting things ready for packing. But after a wonderful vacation, the last thing you want is to return to a cluttered room. Why not continue the vacation feel at home as well?

Hope this little checklist helps you to pre-pack better! Have a great trip. Stay tuned in for #travelweek ! Hit the like button and leave a comment if you have any other ideas to add to this list!

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